Spring Fire-Up
The Leduc West Antique Society Spring Fire-Up event includes the first Tractor Pull competition of the season with competitors from across Alberta, displays at the many buildings on site including the Steel Wheels display, Trucking Museum, Edmonton Power Historical Museum, antique vehicles, on site concessions, historic building tours, and fun for the whole family!
The event will also include the Embers and Ice Pitmaster BBQ Challenge event which will see over 40 teams pull out all the stops to take home the prize money!
The 2025 Spring Fire Up will be held on Saturday May 24th and Sunday May 25th.
Vendors are invited to check out information HERE if you have products or services to sell.
Vendor set up @ 07:00
Gates Open to Public @ 08:00
Tractor Pull from 09:00 with seven weight classes from Pee Wee to Class 5...
Concession open 10:00 to 8:00.
Museums open on site from 09:00.
Main Stage event gates open on Saturday at 5pm - and music runs from 6:15 to about 9:15 or so.