Latest News - February 2025
Annual General Meeting on Saturday, February 8th in the Hooper Building at the Alberta Heritage Exposition Park.
Noon to 12:45 - Pot Luck Lunch
12:45 to 2:15 - AGM including election of Executive Board.
2:15 to 3pm - Coffee and desserts
NOTICE: Proposed Bylaw Change.
In the normal course of business it is necessary from time to time to update or adjust the organizations bylaws.
Currently our Bylaws read (at item 1.4): The fiscal year-end of the Society in each year shall be December 31.
A change has been proposed to amend the above item to read: .4 The fiscal year-end of the Society in each year shall be October 31.
This will bring us in line with the fiscal year end that we have used for several years, and allows for the proper review and reporting of financial results prior to our AGMs. It is otherwise very difficult to properly complete the year end accounting tasks in time to put it all together for our Annual Report and AGM.
A Special Resolution will be made at the AGM to adopt this amendment to the Bylaws. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions on this.
There are positions available on the Executive Board and recruitment for board members is underway. If you would like to stand for any of these positions please reach out via email to Positions to be elected include: two Director positions.
If you are planning on bringing an item for the Pot Luck Lunch please email and let us know what you are bringing so we can know what to expect.
Please note to make a motion or vote at the AGM you must be a member in good standing.