Annual Exposition This Weekend
It is a flurry of activity at the Leduc West Antique Society site. This is the week that we prepare to welcome between 3,000 -5,000 visitors to our Annual Exposition.
We have a new 6,000 square foot building open this year which will hold the Garden Railway Exhibit and some of the LWAS collection of tractors, machinery, and cars.
The barrel train has received a refurbishing and is always a “must do” activity for every child under 12 that attends the show. Other activities for the pint sized visitor are a petting zoo, face painting, and kid’s tractor pull event which is held at 3:00 p.m. every day. The Jigger train is in operation both days and will give a ride from the train station to the campground and back. These events are free with paid admission. Admission is $10 per person; children under 12 of age are free.
We have gone modern with the opening of the Service Station washrooms. The other facilities are kept clean by a volunteer that travels from portable potty to portable potty ensuring that they are kept clean for our visitors and fresh water supplied so that you are able to wash your hands.
While you are moving from each activity, hop onto the people movers. Each year LWAS is able to use brand new tractors, gators, and lawn tractors to move our volunteers and visitors. The businesses that supply the brand new equipment free of charge to LWAS are invaluable.
Our historic church will hold an inter-denominational church service at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, July 29. The organ is over 100 years old and is used during the service. Listen for the church bell calling everyone to the Sunday service.
Make sure that you visit each historical building while on site. The Ohrn home has been restored and furnished with period appropriate pieces. The hostess in the home was a neighbor in the Telfordville area where the home was originally moved from and has created a history book which will be on display in the home.
Step into the school and show your kids that the school desks have not changed much in decades. There are no computers, and the teacher wrote on a blackboard with chalk! It is hard to imagine that the teacher actually taught the kids without a computer. I think the teachers were extra smart without all of that help.
Concert Saturday night
Saturday night entertainment in the Hooper Building this year is Gary Fjellgaard. Tickets to the concert are $20 per person. Make sure that you join us for the roast beef dinner served with all of the trimmings before you go to the concert. Better yet, join us for the weekend. Camping is $10 for the weekend.